Rare Lot 10 Improved Gram-O-Phone Records Consolidated Talking Machine Company

$1,600.00 USD
November 13, 2017 - 09:45:24 PM GMT (over 7 years ago)
This is a group of 10 very rare Improved Gram-O-Phone Records made by the Consolidated Talking Machine Company. They are 7 inch discs. They are all in nice condition with some light scratches. Some labels show a little more wear than the others. The backs all have the legal disclaimer label. The Improved Gram-O-Phone Record label was the first label founded by Eldridge R. Johnson. Recordings were pressed on seven-inch discs and manufactured by the Consolidated Talking Machine Company, which would later become the Victor Talking Machine Company after a merger with Berliner Gramophone. On March 1, 1901, Johnson was prohibited from using "Gram-O-Phone" as part of the label name as a result of a court ruling, so the new label name for his seven-inch discs became Improved Record. The following is a list of the records with their serial number; Intermezzo, Cavalleria Rusticana played by, Sousa's Band A-353 What Do You Think of O'Hoolahan sung by, Ed M. Favor A-179 Limberger Cheese Recitation by, Geo. Broderick A-7 The Mick Who Threw the Brick sung by, Dan W. Quinn A-17 The Mocking Bird, Kylophone Solo by, Chas. P. Lowe A-207 Levee Revels played by, Sousa's Band A-328 Arrah Go On, sung by, Ed M. Favor A-192 She Knew a Lobster When She Saw One sung by, Dan W. Quinn A-15 Ol Alabam! song and dance played by Metropolitan Orchestra A-269 Ravings of a Maniac by Wm. Hooley A-62 Satisfaction guaranteed. Thank you, Arty
November 06, 2017 - 09:45:24 PM GMT (over 7 years ago)


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